Monday, August 31, 2009

An Unbroken Agony - Aristide

I just finished a book by Randall Robinson titled "An Unbroken Agony." Subtitled "Haiti, From Revolution to the Kidnapping of a President." If you have ever traveled to Haiti you will have found it is a broken country. Not broken in spirit because the people are beautiful and vibrant. Broken in the sense that their government is inept and seemingly corrupt from most accounts. Why is this country so broken why is what was once a gem in the Caribbean now nearly a wasteland? How did it get this way and why can't meaningful change occur? Randall Robinson's excellent book chronicles much of the history of Haiti and the endemic nature of problems which plague this country and how nations such as the United States and France have historically impeded progress in their self interest and poorly thought out foreign policy. The book centers on the events surrounding the orchestrated ouster of Jean-Bertrand Aristide the very popular and democratically elected President who apparently because of his desire to improve life for the desperately poor in his country aroused the fears of the ruling elite whose interests were diametrically opposed to that noble goal. Robinson's book is an account that the international community and press have inexcusably ignored and exposes the historically held prejudices and hypocrisies that inevitably have kept this small island nation from advancing and bettering itself. Was Aristide a good guy or was he a bad guy? It depends on who you talk to but before you pass judgement please read what Robinson has to say. Peace